Hi, I am Shinichi. I have officially been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Today, I would like to share my precious time in a vehicle. I love spending a lot of time on trains, express buses, and airplanes. Most passengers might be bored in their reserved seats. In my case, I feel more comfortable in such a seat.
First, having time in a vehicle is helpful for passengers to refresh their minds. In other words, they can even idle their brains. For many people, keeping a journal is an enjoyable way to spend time. Every passenger can jot down their memories, schedules, and tasks. Some professional writers call it dumping. While seated in the vehicle’s reserved seat, passengers can clear their minds. At this point, I am calling it a moving room.
Second, the benefit of getting into a vehicle is that passengers can utilize their precious time. All passengers should stay on trains, express buses, and airplanes for a limited period. For instance, business persons can make a detailed schedule of presentations on some bullet trains (Japan). As a result, duration in a vehicle helps develop their time management skills.
Third, passengers can enjoy beautiful views from the windows. Subways and maglev trains (like a Hyperloop) would frequently pass through tunnels. However, passengers can enjoy excellent views on express buses and local trains. In particular, individuals with ASD can’t stop seeing such attractive scenes as if they were watching a movie. For instance, urban areas have sophisticated designed architectures that they enjoy seeing them.
For these reasons, I cherish the moving time on a train, bus, and airplane. It’s my precious and comfortable time, I love it!
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