What do you think about ASD/ADHD individuals who learn social behaviour? The writer (Shinichi) reminded his successes and failures. These were the best ways for him to learn English.
Practical Social Skills with Disabled Individuals
Shinichi loves travel. In his teenage, he knew the names of many cities and prefectures in Japan very well and dreamed of becoming a tour conductor. However, on the first day in 2004, in his attending tour as an apprentice, he made a blunder that he left his belongings in his apartment. As a result, the company decided that the tour could not continue with him and assigned alternative staff members to take over the tour.
In this experience, Shinichi decided to enroll in a travel agency as his goal. However, his language abilities didn’t reach social interactions. Some governments decided to support him, and staff at the ward office (Branch of the city hall) introduced the support centre for people with disabilities to him.
Obtaining Social Skills Like a Sponge
Shinichi had been learning his social skills through interactions between 2005 and 2008. He often attended SST (Social Skill Training). But he thought practical experience was the best way. Shinichi challenged interactions with some friends and acquaintances as he imagined tour guests, gradually accumulating his social experiences.
During his job interview, the recruiters asked Shinichi about his English skills in their fields. He could not confidently answer about the English abilities that the recruiters required. Shinichi had passed the exam for Certified Domestic Travel Service Manager(国内旅行業務取扱管理者) in 2007. However, he was browsing a textbook on Certified General Travel Service Manager(総合旅行業務取扱管理者), he realized that he lacked English skills. It was the beginning of his English learning journey.
Shinichi entered a first-class hotel in 2009. In the same period (2009-2010), Shinichi spontaneously participated in English communities, such as British pubs, churches, and learning communities. Also, he began looking for social resources to enjoy conversation and learning in English. Likewise, he started to challenge writing his blog articles in English because Shinichi loves writing his blog.
Meeting Canada
In 2011, Shinichi started posting on a social network in English. He used to live in Germany in his childhood, between one and five years old. However, he had never been abroad after leaving away his parental home.
Shinichi loves views of snow. Also, Canada has similar climates with Hokkaido. For such reasons, he decided to visit Toronto and Niagara Falls.
In 2013, Shinichi took his first journey to Canada. He departed from New Chitose Airport and transferred to Toronto Pearson International Airport. After going through Narita, he realized he needed to be more careful with his belongings. Arriving in Toronto, Shinichi aimed for Central Toronto by airport bus. Union Express still had been constructed. He walked in central Toronto. He took on TTC, but his financial budget was not much. He couldn’t go to other cities (except Niagara Falls) on his first journey in 2013.
Since his first journey in 2013, Shinichi has become a Canadian aficionado about Hokkaido and Canada. These areas were very similar. Histories, cultures, and people! For this reason, he joined the Hokkaido Canada Society (北海道カナダ協会) in 2014. Nowadays, he assists in their activities as a vigorous member.