Failures with ADHD Shaped His Experiences (Daily Blog)

After graduating from high school in the Kanto region near Tokyo, Shinichi moved to Hokkaido in 2000. In the first four years, Shinichi had nobody know and worked at a newspaper shop. Shinichi enjoyed exploring new areas and loved wandering around his residential area and travelling as a train enthusiast.

In 2004, Shinichi started working as a salesperson at a telephone sales agency. He was supposed to promote and contract with companies. However, his colleagues were surprised by his drastic actions.

One day, Shinichi asked a corporate receptionist to contract corporate phones, to which they replied that the head office in Tokyo had the authority to contract corporate phones for all branches.

Shinichi immediately tried to call the head office in Tokyo, much to the surprise of his colleagues and team members, who told him to refrain from calling their head office.

Nowadays, in his 40s, Shinichi frequently speaks carefully and calmly with his partner. This failure experience seems to shape his gentle behaviour.

(163 words)

Image by C. Koch from Pixabay

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