Q: Some autistic individuals can hear their inner voices. On the other hand, they struggle with hearing the outer voices that someone said. How should supporters explain others’ outer voices?  

In the 20th century, people have been chatting and communicating with others from human to human. With the advancement of information technology, humans obtained new communication methods with other individuals. Thus, autistic people could be accepted many benefits from the technologies. In his mini-essay, Shinichi will explain some solutions for communicating with others and compromising with their inner voices.

Autistics Need to Prepare General and Specific Topics

To begin with, people need to have someone when they are chatting with others. To illustrate, it could be family, friends, colleagues, and supervisors. However, some autistic individuals may struggle with communicating with others. Such individuals tend to miss out on their opportunities to talk with others. In their brains, they tend to input a lot of knowledge in their specific subjects. Conversely, majorities can communicate with others, like the flow of the river. Therefore, it is a hard technique for some individuals with ADHD or ASD to communicate with others. Such different communication methods generate gaps between majorities and autistic people.

Shinichi found several solutions for autistic individuals to solve the above issues. First, autistic individuals should recognize the time and prices that they require. While communicating with others, individuals might feel uncomfortable about some topics such as their passions. First, before conversations, Shinichi highly recommends autistic individuals prepare and summarize their advanced topics and fields in one A4 paper. Some train aficionados would like to talk about trains, so they should prepare two kinds of topics. In other words, general and specific. For example, general users would like to know how to get train tickets as perspectives for travellers, some aficionados would like to know a good spot for taking the best photograph as the train aficionado. By preparing these two different topics in the same categories, they may obtain their trust.

Conditions are Also Very Important

Likewise, Shinichi suggests that individuals with ASD or ADHD journal their inner voices. Some autistic individuals may not be able to grasp their usual feelings and normal physical and mental conditions. For such reason, autistic people need to realize these conditions. In addition, Shinichi suggests combining their inner voices and outer voices. In particular, people with ASD and ADHD may unwittingly talk a lot or simply do it. When somebody is listening to their topics, individuals with ASD or ADHD should make a talking compass. How long and length they should talk about general or specific topics? In his experiences, some specific topics can sustain his listening up to 10 minutes, and unfamiliar general topics and fields, within 5 minutes.


To sum up, Shinichi highly recommends combining inner voice and outer voice. Some autistic individuals tend to be passionate about special topics, but inner voices assist in recognizing human emotions. Both topics combine, they can talk with others and abundone topics.  

(468 words)

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By Shinichi. I

Shinichi Ito (Mapman) is living in Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan). He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, previous Asperger’s Syndrome) in 2004. He started his blog “Aspe Times” in 2006 as “Information for Aspergians”. In 2009, he changed a blog theme from “Asperger” to “Learning English”. Shinichi had been engaged in room reservations at a first-class hotel, as an assistant between 2008 and 2018. After retiring from the hotel, he learned web design and English writing. he moved his blog to WordPress. Shinichi created his original English essay through IELTS writing (Task 1, Task 2). Sometimes, he wrote his free articles, diaries, and book reviews too. In 2022, he changed his blog title from “Aspe Times” to “ASD IELTS” in May. In July 2022, he released his first blog book on Kindle. In March 2023, Shinichi started selling Paperback too. Please click the below button if you are interested price in Canada. He is selling this book on Amazon in these countries too. In October 2023, he was officially diagnosed ADHD too. Shinichi loves Canada. He is planning to immigrate to Canada in the future.

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