- Title: Rush Hour
- Author: Iain Gately
- Translator: Yumi Kurokawa
- Genre: History/Economy
- Japanese Book: Yes (Translated)
The author, Iain Gately traces the social history of commuting. As a lover of cars, trains, buses and planes, a contributor to this blog, Shinichi found this book translated into Japanese edition in the city library. Daily trips are his pleasure, but sometimes he wonders why people come to work at fixed times.
This book, Rush Hour, divides into three parts. The first part highlights between the Industrial Revolution and the High Economic Growth. The second part implies that most people painful to go to their workplace by train and some civilians switch to cars. In the third final part, Iain writes about future travel as if predicting the pandemic in 2020.
Also, Iain describes comparisons between commuting by train and car. Shinichi is curious about passengers’ or drivers’ behaviours. In public transportation, they can keep calm (depending on the country), but car drivers are different. Another book journalist, Tom Vanderbilt, published Traffic in 2008. This book writes about the psychology of individual drivers. The contributing writer, Shinichi can’t drive a car because of epilepsy, but he is very interested in these attitudes. For this reason, he bought this book too