Shinichi woke up at 6:30 a.m. After the mid-winter (winter solstice), the length of daytime increases longer than the winter solstice. He currently studies WordPress and writing skills (through the IELTS) in English. Shinichi found his breakthrough. 

Invisible Barrier in Web Design

Between 2009 and 2018, Shinichi was a novice in English. He never knew WordPress. But he would like to learn another skill in English, such as web design. Since retiring from hotel reservations in 2018, Shinichi has started learning web design. While learning HTML and CSS, he had been feeling invisible barriers. For example, there are hierarchies in HTML and CSS. He could not spot the current position in the programming language.

Learning WordPress in English

One day in 2018, Shinichi spotted his eyes with one word, “WordPress.” He was interested in this platform because even if learners do not master the programming languages for web design, they can easily create their websites. As soon as Shinichi noticed, he transferred his blog from a free platform to WordPress. He frequently went to several co-working spaces. In one of the co-working spaces, the owner highly recommended WordPress. Shinichi had decided to write his articles twice a month in English. 

In general, website owners should contract with the web hosting service. In addition, they should get their domain if they need it. Shinichi thought up learning WordPress in English. For this reason, he contracted with Bluehost (Global Web Hosting in the U.S.). Shinichi loves Canada. As a result, he moved his contract from Bluehost to Web Hosting Canada.

Teaching and Managing Website

In the final week of 2020, Shinichi had a learning chance with a client. One of his acquaintances had been looking for a website designer. He accepted this requirement. A client said, “You are teaching how to create or manage very well!” This milestone confirms his skills.

Nowadays, Shinichi has his Canadian national domain (.ca). He gradually is feeling his confidence.

(323 Words)

Image by Dok Sev from Pixabay

By Shinichi. I

Shinichi Ito (Mapman) is living in Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan). He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, previous Asperger’s Syndrome) in 2004. He started his blog “Aspe Times” in 2006 as “Information for Aspergians”. In 2009, he changed a blog theme from “Asperger” to “Learning English”. Shinichi had been engaged in room reservations at a first-class hotel, as an assistant between 2008 and 2018. After retiring from the hotel, he learned web design and English writing. he moved his blog to WordPress. Shinichi created his original English essay through IELTS writing (Task 1, Task 2). Sometimes, he wrote his free articles, diaries, and book reviews too. In 2022, he changed his blog title from “Aspe Times” to “ASD IELTS” in May. In July 2022, he released his first blog book on Kindle. In March 2023, Shinichi started selling Paperback too. Please click the below button if you are interested price in Canada. He is selling this book on Amazon in these countries too. In October 2023, he was officially diagnosed ADHD too. Shinichi loves Canada. He is planning to immigrate to Canada in the future.

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