Q: Some individuals with ADHD/ASD often derailed their topics from the flow. Do you have any solutions? Write at least 250 words.

-Model Essay – Preparing Visual Information –

Some individuals with ADHD have several issues with their conversation skills. A common problem they encounter is straying from the main thread of conversation. Shinichi ponders on various remedies drawing from his prior encounters.

Some method experts suggest that most people should develop the ability to express their opinions. To illustrate, when the workforce would like to start new projects, they have to summarize the reasons for explaining them to the supervisor. Most employees explain their projects to their supervisor. The supervisor may inquire about their reasons and procedures. They could explain the advantages and disadvantages successfully, approximately 70 percent. Despite working as a team, employees with ADHD may derail unique topics from team opinions on final projects. As a result, the team struggled to suggest a thorough explanation of their projects.

Shinichi recommends preparing visual information for the current point in their project. For instance, modulators set a hock keyword. He ponders the modulator’s need to set a transcription. The participants with ADHD need to recognize what the modulator said during conversion as if the modulator were a compass. During a meeting, modulators set a hock keyword to connect with the main topic if participants with ADHD create their own ideas; however, they sometimes derail the flow of the main topic.

In the details, Shinichi suggests a discourse marker as the best tool for ADHD individuals. That makes a signpost in the paragraph. Similarly, he suggests talkers need to set a signpost in conversations, like a discourse marker or conjunction.

(251 words)

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

By Shinichi. I

Shinichi Ito (Mapman) is living in Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan). He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, previous Asperger’s Syndrome) in 2004. He started his blog “Aspe Times” in 2006 as “Information for Aspergians”. In 2009, he changed a blog theme from “Asperger” to “Learning English”. Shinichi had been engaged in room reservations at a first-class hotel, as an assistant between 2008 and 2018. After retiring from the hotel, he learned web design and English writing. he moved his blog to WordPress. Shinichi created his original English essay through IELTS writing (Task 1, Task 2). Sometimes, he wrote his free articles, diaries, and book reviews too. In 2022, he changed his blog title from “Aspe Times” to “ASD IELTS” in May. In July 2022, he released his first blog book on Kindle. In March 2023, Shinichi started selling Paperback too. Please click the below button if you are interested price in Canada. He is selling this book on Amazon in these countries too. In October 2023, he was officially diagnosed ADHD too. Shinichi loves Canada. He is planning to immigrate to Canada in the future.

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