- Title: The Elon Musk Story
- Author: Tom Christian
- Genre: Biography
- Japanese Book: No
This book is efficient for English beginners to learn IT words through biography. In this biography, readers can know some cues from his life. Elon Musk is the main person in this story. He is one of the famous millionaires as CEO of two companies, Tesla Motors and SpaceX.
Elon Musk was born in South Africa. He had outstanding skills, such as reading and recognizing himself in his childhood. He had begun to be interested in computers when he was 10 years old. At the age of 17, he moved to Canada. After moving to Silicon Valley in the U.S., his talents skyrocketed because he was interested in space. In this book, the author wrote Musk might be related to Asperger’s Syndrome. but I thought this is one of the greatest successful life models.
This book series explains biographies and stories for learners in easy English. This Level is 5, the most difficult for English beginners, however, these series have small dictionaries that last some pages.
(166 words)