- Title: The Reason I Jump
- Author: Naoki Higashida
- Translator: David Mitchell
- Genre: Biography
- Japanese Book: Yes (Original)
Naoki Higashida is a famous Japanese author with autism. In his childhood, he learned how to write an essay from his mother. In 2007, he wrote this book (Japanese Original) when he was 13 years old. David Mitchell (Irish author), a translator, has an autistic son. David seems to be inspired by this Japanese book.
This book consists of 58 questions. These pick up some interesting points. In a nutshell, these questions are most families are wondering why autistic people do it. In particular, I admired his inner perspectives. According to the 42nd question, Naoki prefers fixed numbers, such as timetables or calendars. The number is not changed. For this reason, I also could empathize with this perspective.
In 2016 August, NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japanese Broadcasting Association)) featured a documentary. That is about Naoki conversing with David. For example, he was pondering the best word for talking with David. As a result, I could not watch it without tears and have strongly inspired his behaviour.
In 2021 April, the Japanese mini-theatre was broadcasting this autistic movie. I thought this movie draws an autistic perspective well.
(186 words)